Thursday 19 May 2011

Love Or Hate?

There is one beauty product that I really don't understand people's love of and that is lip gloss.

There are so many different types of lip gloss, from the cheap and cheerful to ones by the most amazing (and expensive) brands on the market, so there must be a reason why it is so successful.

I personally hate the stuff and would much rather choose a lipstick over a lip gloss.

On the other hand, when I was a teenager I always wore lip gloss. At that time in my life lipstick didn't suit me, it was far too grown up for me. However, as the years have gone by and I have discovered how amazing lipstick is, I have come to dislike lip gloss more and more.

The exact reason why I hate lip gloss so much, is because it is way too sticky. As a result, going outside wearing lip gloss is a definite no no for me. My hair is quite long and I find that as soon as the wind blows, even just the tiniest bit, my hair will stick to my lips.

So there you have it, now not only do you have sticky lips, you also have sticky hair!

I would however, really like to know other people's opinions on lip gloss. If you completely disagree with me and love it, or even if you agree with me and hate it, please leave me a comment below and tell me why!

I really do want to know what you all think!

Who knows, maybe if you're that persuasive you'll even be able to change my mind!


  1. No I agree with you L.A!

    It's too sticky. Although, I have encountered some makes in the past that are less sticky and more like vaseline, but that's rare.

    Stick to your lipstick :)

  2. I found an amazing lip gloss from YSL. It has real gold flakes inside! It isn't sticky at all! But it is still wet so I guess in hindsight your hair would still touch it. Maybe lip gloss should just be worn on a day where there is no wind or when your hair is up!
